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Back Massage

Acupuncture & Back pain

When muscle fibres become shortened due to trigger points or knots, they can lead to vertebral fixations and cause other muscles to compensate for changes in posture. This compensation can result in postural imbalances and myospasms, leading to decreased flexibility and strength.

To alleviate pain and restore flexibility strength, acupuncture points known as ‘Huatoujiaji' points along with specific meridian acupuncture points, trigger points, and motor points, are targeted for needling to release spasms and address vertebral complexities. These anatomical acupuncture points are located near and between each vertebra.

By identifying, palpating, and needling the back musculature, myospasms can be released and vertebral fixations treated. Targeting the layers of small paraspinal muscles can relieve pressure on nerves and vessels, allowing for independent movement of the vertebrae, restoring flexibility, and reducing pain. If the condition has persisted, secondary issues may arise in the muscles connected to the affected vertebrae, making essential to treat these adjacent muscles to restore overall function.

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