An Introduction to Musculoskeletal Acupuncture
Acupuncture is effective for treating sports injuries, muscle pain, spinal issues, trauma, postural imbalances, joint dysfunction, and weakness.
Musculo-skeletal acupuncture involves inserting fine needles into specific areas of affected muscles and spinal segments. This treatment aims to 'reset' dysfunctional muscle spindles, helping to heal musculo-skeletal injuries. By targeting 'Motor Points,' nearby trigger points, and related antagonist muscle groups, this approach can deactivate and elongate malfunctioning muscle fibers, restoring balance and function after trauma or repetitive strain.
Chronic musculo-skeletal pain often stems from imbalances between opposing muscle groups, leading to misalignment, inefficient movement, reduced flexibility, numbness, circulation issues, and pain.
When palpating the muscles, tight bands known as 'trigger points' (shortened muscle fibres) are typically found around the key 'motor point' of the involved muscles. Manual muscle testing is performed during treatment, with an expectation of increased range of motion in the affected joint, along with reduced pain and improved muscle strength.