Methods of Treatment
Acupuncture involves the insertion of ultra-fine, sterilized, single-use needles into specific acupuncture points. These acu-points are precisely located 'pools' or 'reservoirs' of concentrated energy along meridian pathways, each associated with a particular internal organ. Acupuncture can address a wide range of conditions, encompassing both internal health and musculoskeletal problems.
Electric Acupuncture
Electro-acupuncture involves connecting a small TENS device (trans electrical nerve stimulator) to the shaft of an acupuncture needle using electrodes. This setup allows for electrical stimulation to be delivered through the needle into the muscle or acupuncture point, enhancing the overall effect.
Chinese Cupping
Cupping is the use of suction cups to stimulate the flow of blood , lymph. The primary indication of Chinese cupping is for conditions involving the immune systems and the lungs such as; asthma, wheezing, cough due to cold, bronchitis, emphysema, flu etc. Secondarily, cupping is indicated for genrealised muscle tension & dislodging 'stuck fascia'.
Infrared Therapy
Infrared Therapy penetrates deep into the body, reaching beyond the skin and being absorbed by both surface and deeper cells. This therapy may reduce inflammation, facilitate the breakdown of unstable structures like dead cells, and assist the reabsorption of accumulated lactic acid, thereby speeding up the body's natural healing process. Additionally, infrared therapy can enhance biological processes, including improving blood circulation and metabolism, which in turn stimulates the of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and veins.
Laser Acupuncture
Laser therapy, also known as cold level laser or low level laser therapy (LLLT), is an excellent option for patients who prefer to avoid needles. It serves as a valuable complement to soft tissue treatment, offering circulatory and-inflammatory benefits. During the procedure, patients experience no sensation. Dr. Virgo utilizes a highly effective 'Class 3b' laser machine, equipped with an acupuncture laser handle featuring one diode for precise joule delivery, along with an additional handset containing nine diodes specifically designed for soft tissue injuries.